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Est iniuria in verbis
Paolo Fabbri
Nelle piazze reali e sulle autostrade virtuali della politica volano stracci e parolacce. Non è una sorpresa. Le male parole, sdoganate da tempo, dilagano fuori dal traffico e dagli stadi per approdare, enfatiche e imperative, in tutte le forme di vita. E’ pandemia. Le canzoni popolari e le colonne sonore dei film sono tutte Parolacce e musica. Nelle Camere parlamentari e nei condomini si chiederà la Parolaccia, nei tribunali si darà la Parolaccia alla difesa, nei pubblici uffici si metterà una Parolaccia buona. Se di fretta, di scambieremo due o quattro Parolacce. Insomma vivremo a Parolacce incrociate e i vip moriranno con le ultime Parolacce famose. Tendete l’orecchio e arrivano: oscene, volgari, sporche, spinte, crude, indecorose, scurrili, empie, villane, triviali e via disdicendo. Un elenco è dapprima ghiotto ma sempre più ridondante e infine depressivo. Basti pensare alla carriera inversa e parallela di termini colloquiali, come /Cazzate/ e /Figate/ che segnalano, in una società cosiddetta machista, l’opposizione tra greve ottusità e brillante riuscita.
E pensare che poco fa ci lamentavamo del PO.CO. cioè del POliticamente COrretto, nel tempo post-vittoriano dei buoni sentimenti, regno dell’eufemismo e della litote. Sui genitali e gli orifizi, il coito e l’intera gamma delle secrezioni corporee, sulla malattia, sulla morte e soprattutto sui ruoli e i modi della vita collettiva- genere, comunità e professioni - aleggiava un’atmosfera untuosa di tabù, atti indiretti, definizioni oblique e ipocriti sottintesi. Escort e operatori di superficie erano prima prostitute e spazzini; la malattia mentale diventava alterazione, disordine, disturbo e disagio; il minorato d’antan si chiamava prima handicappato, poi portatore di handicap e in seguito disabile o diversamente abile. Nei galatei universitari era impossibile scrivere un pronome senza doppia menzione di genere. Una reazione all’idioma licenzioso degli anni Sessanta, quando la lingua era politicamente libertaria e sessualmente libertina. Quando le avanguardie relativiste rivendicavano, horribile dictu, l’ugual valore letterario d’ogni parola del dizionario. E sceglievano per i rapporti sessuali l’uso di crudi verbi transitivi (chiavare, fottere, scopare, trombare, ecc.) mentre quelli del POCO, i Pochisti, si esprimevano con verbi pudicamente intransitivi e delicatamente reciproci: far l’amore, fare sesso, ecc.. (Parlando di sesso siamo tutti villani: la scelta lessicale è tra l’asilo, l’anatomia e il blog!).
Come si spiega l’inversione cattivista di questa inversione? Con l’evidenza che il segno è energumeno (Bataille) e che la lingua non è una finestra sulla mente individuale, ma una veduta sulla cultura collettiva. Non è la referenza tautologica – “dir pane al pane, vino al vino” – del mondo esangue della logica, ma l’azione efficace sui valori, i loro conflitti e trasformazioni. Quindi le espressioni d’informalità, machismo, sfrontatezza solleticano, provocano e offendono, ma perdono alla svelta l’odore di zolfo e il mordente. La parolaccia ridondante stinge il suo marchio, diventa un’interiezione e finisce, scarica, come un infisso, interpolato nella sequenza discorsiva. Come l’affettuoso “bastardo” e il rilassato “Vaffa!”. Sazietà semantica.
Accade lo stesso all’atto linguistico prediletto dell’attuale diverbio politico: l’insulto, con le sue fangose varianti: ingiurie, improperi, offese, contumelie, villanie, sberleffi, calunnie che traboccano dalla presenza alla tele- presenza, dall’audience ai new media e viceversa. (Lo schermo si presta allo scherno e il digitale al dileggio). I linguisti si interrogano sulla speciosa sintassi dell’offesa: come l’improbabile imperativo anglosassone “fuck you!”, lo strano genitivo “quello stronzo di (nome proprio)”, l’indeclinabile plurale dei “cazzi acidi” e “amari” dell’italiano; una tipologia sommaria distingue le contumelie in descrittive, idiomatiche, enfatiche e catartiche - ma l’eccetera è numeroso. “Vaffa” per es. è la parola d’ordine e il labaro d’un nuovo movimento politico.
Generalizziamo: l’insulto vola – “ buffoni, burattini, caimani, corrotti, miserabili, morti che parlano, mostri, padri puttanieri, salme, traditori, troie, ecc”. - ma c’è chi lo raccoglie, se ne ha a male e lo contraccambia secondo con la legge bronzea dell’escalation: risentirsi e farsi sentire passando il segno altrui. Come nell’antico duello, la legge non riconosce il diritto all’oblio dell’offesa e autorizza la vendetta. In questo tiro a segno alla reputazione e il decoro, è impossibile misurare le parole. L’insulto quindi è una performance razionale o per lo meno aggiustata. Erede dell’antica bestemmia – si dice “sacramentare” - dà forza e ritmo al discorso, sensibilizza al valore, ridesta rapporti emulsionati e assopiti. Serve a far entrare i valori condivisi o divisi più che a far uscire l’emozione. Che sia una nobile arte lo avevano capito gli orientali (L.Shiqiu) ed ora i cognitari dei blog che hanno ripreso il testimone dall’idioma proletario dei carrettieri, scaricatori, militari e tifosi. E che sia teoricamente rilevante lo dimostrano saggi filosofici recenti ed ampiamente divulgati come On Bullshit di H. Frankfurt e Ass-hole, a Theory, di A. James, equamente tradotti in italiano con Stronzate e Stronzi.
Carta bianca agli improperi quindi, ma con un principio di precauzione. L’insulto corrente - come la bestemmia, rinvigorita dal ritorno del sacro – è trito e ritrito. Espletivo per i linguisti o pleonasmo per i retorici, colma i vuoti del discorso e le pecche dell’immaginazione. E se dice quando non c’è niente da dire è votato alla più cerimoniale inefficacia. Eppure sono note le sue caratteristiche poetiche: parallelismi, allitterazioni, assonanze: una magia verbale che può giungere alle vette dell’epigramma e del pamphlet. Ricordate il “Nobodaddy” con cui Blake pronunciava il nome da non dire invano? E il profetico motto con cui S.Johnson additava un politico del suo – un del nostro?- tempo: “ Morì nel suo letto senza insudiciare il patibolo”?.
Imprecatori ancora uno sforzo! Impariamo a maledir bene. Più inventiva nell’invettiva!


P. Fabbri, Segni del tempo, un lessico politicamente scorretto, Meltemi, Roma, 2004
H. Frankfurt, Stronzate, un saggio filosofico, Rizzoli, Milano, 2005 (1986)
A. James, Stronzi, un saggio filosofico, Rizzoli, Milano, 2013 (2012)
S. Pinker, Fatti di parole, la natura umana svelata dal linguaggio, Mondadori, Milano, 2009, (2007)
L. Shiqiu, La nobile arte dell’insulto, le arti marziali della parola, Einaudi Torino, 2011
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[url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-36-jerome-bettis-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1239.htm]Nike Steelers #36 Jerome Bettis White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] Even players famed the [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-56-shane-ray-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1257.htm]Nike Broncos #56 Shane Ray Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] firing regarding Grigson using punter Pat Security software and former Revolver linebacker Jerrell Freeman consuming to Tweet: Say thanks to God- Pat [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-50-ryan-shazier-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1231.htm]Nike Steelers #50 Ryan Shazier White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) January 21 years of age, 2017Well that took longer than anticipated... - Jerrell Freeman (@JerrellFreeman) The month of january 21, 2017Indianapolis has been entrenched from the AFC Southern race well straight into December, though the Pistolet surrendered the split into the Texans. Next [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-7-ben-roethlisberger-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1247.htm]Nike Steelers #7 Ben Roethlisberger White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] three progressive, gradual 11-win seasons, they neglected out on the playoffs for your second directly year. In the course of his period, the Revolver drafted terriblyOutside of drafting quarterback John Luck together with the No . 1 entire pick within the first draw up in this, Grigson along with the Colts [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-58-von-miller-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1248.htm]Nike Broncos #58 Von Miller White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] missed on the large amount of [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-30-terrell-davis-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1252.htm]Nike Broncos #30 Terrell Davis Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] picks. Testosterone levels. Gym. Hilton, a third-round pick inside Luck’s draft category, progressed into a deep threat, yet that’s really the only different hit Grigson created. Bjoern Werner was the team’s subsequent first-round pick in 2013. Werner was obviously a [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-94-demarcus-ware-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1234.htm]Nike Broncos #94 DeMarcus Ware White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] defensive end who received a few. 5 bags in three FOOTBALL seasons. He has now from the little league. The below yr, the Arme didn’t use a first-round pick because they traded it for the [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-43-troy-polamalu-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1237.htm]Nike Steelers #43 Troy Polamalu White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] Browns for running back again Trent Richardson. Richardson enjoyed 29 games using the Arme, [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-26-leveon-bell-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1241.htm]Nike Steelers #26 Le'Veon Bell White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] before developing following averaging just three. 1 back yards per carry in his two gardening seasons with the workforce. Drafting properly pays off -- the particular Oakland Raiders surely have shown just as much 2010. Even so the Colts have been setting up 11-win periods. There’s no question while Grigson had been decent inside drafting gamers, the Arme wouldn’t be more serious over a 10-win group, particularly in a weaker division such as the AFC Sth. While selects weren’t good, Grigson believed he could develop the team via free company, and effectively [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-88-demaryius-thomas-gray-mens-stitched-nfl-limited-gridiron-gray-jersey-p-1242.htm]Nike Broncos #88 Demaryius Thomas Gray Men's Stitched NFL Limited Gridiron Gray Jersey[/url]... Their own offseason movements weren’t any betterThe Colts decided to connect veterans to attempt to have got a magic pill along with “win now” being often done in the FOOTBALL. Gosder Cherilus, LaRon Landry, Ough Jean Francois, Erik Walden, Jesse Thomas, as well as Matt Hasselbeck almost all received contracts that have been at least $3 , 000, 000 each year. Almost all these moves were created to enhance the protection, or any nevertheless Walden as well as Hasselbeck were cut after just a pair of seasons. Walden stays with the staff, along with Hasselbeck outdated. The Revolver defense ranked thirtieth this season, and so they kept surrendering big plays. Indianapolis weren't able to stop often the pass or manage, and it is offense had to keep rating points to keep up with enemy. The offense has largely presented its own since Luck’s entrance, but it may be tough as soon as the defense certainly not gives them a new [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-95-derek-wolfe-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1232.htm]Nike Broncos #95 Derek Wolfe Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] cushion. Often the combination of very poor drafting, and also an inability to be able to [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-88-demaryius-thomas-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1238.htm]Nike Broncos #88 Demaryius Thomas White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] build a combatir through free agency is a recipes for disaster, and [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-54-brandon-marshall-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1260.htm]Nike Broncos #54 Brandon Marshall White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] it’s led several to feel in which several of Luck’s greatest years happen to be squandered. It’s easy to understand why Grigson [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-47-mel-blount-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1235.htm]Nike Steelers #47 Mel Blount White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] fully gone, whenever a quarterback like Luck has his occupation affected by something other than his / her play. An ordinary had been placed, as well as Grigson didn’t meet itThis marks the very first time considering that 1998 the fact that Colts possess missed typically the playoffs in constant seasons. Intended for Irsay, that’s not fair. Under Invoice Polian, the Colts had eight consecutive playoff looks, including more effective seasons of 12 or more is victorious. They came out in two Excellent Bowls, and won one of these. “It’s with regards to winning and successful properly and trying to preserve success over the large timeframe, ” Irsay said. “We’re [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-88-demaryius-thomas-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1240.htm]Nike Broncos #88 Demaryius Thomas Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] used to being in the playoffs. This is the very first time that in virtually 20 years we (wouldn’t have) made the playoffs with back-to-back several years. That’s really frustrating. ”With Grigson out there, questions with regards to the job safety of Chuck Idolatra were elevated, although Irsay said Saturday that the coach is [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-94-demarcus-ware-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1236.htm]Nike Broncos #94 DeMarcus Ware Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] safe. It is very possible that Gentile got a move because Grigson ended up being blamed for much of the team’s challenges: On the web not getting a position in this article. Just completing along details. Johnson Grigson was totally despised by a lot of people inside developing. - Stephen Holder (@HolderStephen) The month of january twenty-one, 2017While there have been rumors that Peyton Manning had been interested in any front office role with the Arme, Irsay explained Saturday [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-48-bud-dupree-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1233.htm]Nike Steelers #48 Bud Dupree White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] that the ex- quarterback is [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-95-derek-wolfe-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1249.htm]Nike Broncos #95 Derek Wolfe White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] not in the picture for any visit a fresh general director. Indianapolis ought to now hire person who can warning and draft top notch defensive players for you to [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-21-aqib-talib-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1256.htm]Nike Broncos #21 Aqib Talib White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] help out Fortune and the criminal offense. The Arme can’t the actual playoffs, allow [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-84-shannon-sharpe-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1244.htm]Nike Broncos #84 Shannon Sharpe White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] alone win an effective Dish, whenever they can’t cease teams from scoring.
Colts fire general director Ryan Grigson -- SBNation. comPhoto simply by Joe Robbins/Getty Images The Indianapolis Arme fired general [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-56-shane-ray-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jerse
27/10/2017 03:39
Arme fire general office manager Ryan Grigson rapid SBNation. comPhoto simply by Joe Robbins/Getty Photographs The Indianapolis Arme fired general [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-56-shane-ray-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1254.htm]Nike Broncos #56 Shane Ray White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] manager Jones Grigson a prior weekend not too long ago after several years using the company, the team released. Colts operator Jim Irsay dismissed from your job his general [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-58-von-miller-white-mens-stitched-nfl-elite-event-jersey-p-1251.htm]Nike Broncos #58 Von Miller White Men's Stitched NFL Elite Event Jersey[/url] manager once the team done at 8-8 for your second constant time. Grigson’s ousting is at large part as the roster he or she built was small on talent, particularly upon defense. “I feel that we needed to produce a adjust, I sensed, ” Irsay explained. “Intuitively, [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-10-martavis-bryant-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1245.htm]Nike Steelers #10 Martavis Bryant White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] you get the feeling when the timing is correct and modify might help. While continuity is one thing I want and also long to get... but also in this situation I were feeling the time was right to produce a adjust. We needed some new route. ”Irsay advised USA Today’s Mary Pelissero [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-21-aqib-talib-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1259.htm]Nike Broncos #21 Aqib Talib Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] in December [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-84-shannon-sharpe-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1246.htm]Nike Broncos #84 Shannon Sharpe Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] that he did not [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-22-cj-anderson-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1253.htm]Nike Broncos #22 C.J. Anderson Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] plan to help make any changes in the [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-12-terry-bradshaw-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1243.htm]Nike Steelers #12 Terry Bradshaw White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] front office or perhaps with the teaching staff, having a caveat. “Right today I’m not anticipating making any improvements, ” Irsay explained following a decline to the Houston,tx Texans. “That can always change. It generally can when we are sitting down all all four and evaluate things. Although [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-29-bradley-roby-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1255.htm]Nike Broncos #29 Bradley Roby White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] I’m just taking a look at seeing if we can gain these next a few video game titles. ”The Pistolet won a pair of a final three games of the [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-29-bradley-roby-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1258.htm]Nike Broncos #29 Bradley Roby Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] season, but there were obvious frustrations together with the team’s bad performance. [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-36-jerome-bettis-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1239.htm]Nike Steelers #36 Jerome Bettis White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] Even players famed the [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-56-shane-ray-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1257.htm]Nike Broncos #56 Shane Ray Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] firing associated with Grigson along with punter Pat McAfee and former Pistolet linebacker Jerrell Freeman consuming to Tweet: Give thanks God- Pat [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-50-ryan-shazier-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1231.htm]Nike Steelers #50 Ryan Shazier White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) January twenty-one, 2017Well in which took longer in comparison with estimated... - Jerrell Freeman (@JerrellFreeman) January 21 years of age, 2017Indianapolis has been entrenched from the AFC South race well into December, though the Arme surrendered the department towards the Texans. Following [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-7-ben-roethlisberger-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1247.htm]Nike Steelers #7 Ben Roethlisberger White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] three gradually 11-win months, they neglected out on the actual playoffs for your second directly year. While in his tenure, the Pistolet drafted terriblyOutside associated with drafting quarterback Claire Luck while using Number 1 general pick within the first version in this, Grigson along with the Colts [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-58-von-miller-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1248.htm]Nike Broncos #58 Von Miller White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] missed for a great deal of [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-30-terrell-davis-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1252.htm]Nike Broncos #30 Terrell Davis Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] picks. T. Y. Hilton, a third-round pick in Luck’s draft type, become a deeply threat, nevertheless that’s the one different hit Grigson produced. Bjoern Werner is the team’s next first-round pick in 2013. Werner must have been a [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-94-demarcus-ware-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1234.htm]Nike Broncos #94 DeMarcus Ware White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] defensive end who received six. 5 bags in three FOOTBALL seasons. He’s now out of your addition. The calendar year, the Revolver didn’t possess a first-round opt for because they dealt it for the [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-43-troy-polamalu-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1237.htm]Nike Steelers #43 Troy Polamalu White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] Browns for operating back again Trent Richardson. Richardson enjoyed 29 games with the Revolver, [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-26-leveon-bell-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1241.htm]Nike Steelers #26 Le'Veon Bell White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] before being released following averaging just 3. 1 back yards per carry in his two periods with the team. Drafting effectively pays off -- the actual Oakland Raiders surely have shown as much this holiday season. Even so the Colts were being fashioning 11-win gardening seasons. There’s no doubt that even if Grigson have been decent within drafting gamers, the Colts wouldn’t be more serious over a 10-win workforce, specially in a lazy division such as AFC Southern. As the selects weren’t great, Grigson imagined he could construct the team by free organization, and properly [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-88-demaryius-thomas-gray-mens-stitched-nfl-limited-gridiron-gray-jersey-p-1242.htm]Nike Broncos #88 Demaryius Thomas Gray Men's Stitched NFL Limited Gridiron Gray Jersey[/url]... Their own offseason travels weren’t any kind of betterThe Colts chosen to plug-in veterans to try and have got a easiest solution and also “win now” being often done in the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE. Gosder Cherilus, LaRon Landry, Roublesome Jean Francois, Erik Walden, Jesse Thomas, and also Matt Hasselbeck all of received contracts that had been a minimum of $3 thousand each year. The majority of people moves were made to increase the safeguard, or any although Walden in addition to Hasselbeck were reduce after just 2 gardening seasons. Walden is still with the crew, in addition to Hasselbeck the actual. The Arme defense ranked thirtieth 2010, and in addition they kept surrendering big performs. Indianapolis could not stop often the pass or operate, and its particular offense must keep score points to sustain adversaries. The the offense has largely organised its own considering that Luck’s birth, but it’s tough in the event the defense in no way gives them some sort of [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-95-derek-wolfe-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1232.htm]Nike Broncos #95 Derek Wolfe Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] cushion. Often the combination of inadequate drafting, along with an inability to help [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-88-demaryius-thomas-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1238.htm]Nike Broncos #88 Demaryius Thomas White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] build a competitor through free organization is a formula for disaster, and [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-54-brandon-marshall-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1260.htm]Nike Broncos #54 Brandon Marshall White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] it’s led quite a few to feel that wide variety Luck’s greatest years are already squandered. It’s easy to understand the reason Grigson [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-47-mel-blount-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1235.htm]Nike Steelers #47 Mel Blount White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] fully gone, when a quarterback including Luck is having his employment affected by anything other than his or her play. A typical had been fixed, as well as Grigson didn’t connect with itThis marks the 1st time considering that 1998 the Colts get missed the particular playoffs in successive seasons. With regard to Irsay, this is not tolerable. Under Monthly bill Polian, the particular Colts had nine consecutive playoff looks, including seven seasons of 10 or more is. They shown up in two Extremely Bowls, and also won one of them. “It’s in relation to winning and successful the appropriate way and trying to retain success within a large timeframe, ” Irsay explained. “We’re [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-88-demaryius-thomas-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1240.htm]Nike Broncos #88 Demaryius Thomas Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] used to within the particular playoffs. Here is the new in almost 20 years all of us (wouldn’t have) produced the playoffs within back-to-back yrs. That’s extremely disappointing. ”With Grigson out and about, questions concerning the job protection of Chuck Pagano were brought up, but Irsay said Saturday that the mentor is [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-94-demarcus-ware-orange-team-color-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1236.htm]Nike Broncos #94 DeMarcus Ware Orange Team Color Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] safe. It is very possible that Gentile got a cross because Grigson had been blamed for much of the team’s struggles: I am not choosing a position right here. Just driving along information. Thomas Grigson was definitely despised by many individuals from the creating. - Sophie Holder (@HolderStephen) January twenty one, 2017While there are rumors that Peyton Manning has been interested in the front office part with the Colts, Irsay stated Saturday [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-steelers-48-bud-dupree-white-mens-nfl-pro-line-fashion-game-jersey-p-1233.htm]Nike Steelers #48 Bud Dupree White Men's NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey[/url] that the former quarterback is [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-95-derek-wolfe-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1249.htm]Nike Broncos #95 Derek Wolfe White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] not from the picture for any google for a completely new general manager. Indianapolis should now hire one that can signal and draft top notch defensive players for you to [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-21-aqib-talib-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1256.htm]Nike Broncos #21 Aqib Talib White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] help out Luck and the wrongdoing. The Colts can’t make playoffs, permit [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/nike-broncos-84-shannon-sharpe-white-mens-stitched-nfl-game-super-bowl-50-collection-jersey-p-1244.htm]Nike Broncos #84 Shannon Sharpe White Men's Stitched NFL Game Super Bowl 50 Collection Jersey[/url] alone win a Super Jar, whenever they can’t prevent teams from credit scoring.
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FOOTBALL media roundup: Maurice Jones-Drew avoids assault costs, Richard Seymour rules out there Patriots -- SBNation. comAl Messerschmidt Maurice Jones-Drew will not likely face attack charges for [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-72-gabe-carimi-
26/10/2017 11:58
FOOTBALL media roundup: Maurice Jones-Drew helps prevent assault charges, Rich Seymour rules out there Patriots rapid SBNation. comAl Messerschmidt Maurice Jones-Drew will not likely face assault charges for [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-72-gabe-carimi-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29693.htm]Bears #72 Gabe Carimi White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] an incident in which occurred in a Stycken. Augustine, Fla., cafe, south involving The city of jacksonville. Jones-Drew was accused of knocking out a security officer even though defending a buddy who was invested a new headlock. Rigtht after the unpleasant incident, reports suggested that Jones-Drew experienced already been incurred with electric battery, even so the State Attorney's office ultimately fell the case. Movie of the event does not certainly show whether Jones-Drew threw the punch not really. Today Jones-Drew can be in to dealing with the particular Lisfranc injury which knocked him away from nearly six video game titles last period. He recorded a [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-6-jay-cutler-lights-out-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29701.htm]Bears #6 Jay Cutler Lights Out Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] career-low 414 meters on the floor a year ago, nevertheless he still were able to lead often the Jaguars in [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-54-brian-urlacher-lights-out-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29695.htm]Bears #54 Brian Urlacher Lights Out Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] rushing. Jones-Drew missed 10 games soon after missing just three over the [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-24-marion-barber-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29700.htm]Bears #24 Marion Barber White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] first six many years of his job. Rich Seymour rules out and about return [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bengals-58-rey-maualuga-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29683.htm]Bengals #58 Rey Maualuga Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] to Fresh EnglandRichard Seymour remains hammering available details on an agreement with [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-23-devin-hester-grey-shadow-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29688.htm]Bears #23 Devin Hester Grey Shadow Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] the Altlanta ga Falcons. Different teams may make bids meanwhile, yet Seymour informed SiriusXM Sports which he examine go back to the brand new Britain Patriots if offered the ability. 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Seymour do reiterate that they desires to play for the championship contender, which keeps often the Falcons, one of several absolute favorites to win the particular Super Bowl, in the strong placement. Brett Favre unabashedly hawks soreness creamBrett Favre possesses a new product he or she wants to let you know about. [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-34-walter-payton-grey-shadow-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29686.htm]Bears #34 Walter Payton Grey Shadow Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] It is called Rx Professional player, and [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-90-julius-peppers-black-shadow-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29694.htm]Bears #90 Julius Peppers Black Shadow Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] he continued SiriusXM radio to shill this product, created by a business called Entire world Health Sectors, 2 Favre has a pole. Via the Milwaukee Record Sentinel: "I may speak volumes with pain and narcotics use, micron Favre explained to SiriusXM hosts Sean Miller and Bruce Murray, noticing that he was at one time enslaved by pain relievers. Rx Pro, he claimed, "is a secure strategy to treat several of your ailments. It possibly works with cramping pains, stomach soreness... Is actually just endless what to you suppose will happen with this product and this also company. "Favre explained the item contains not any substances currently prohibited by the FOOTBALL, though he or she declined to say the thing that was actually from the things. Rx Professional player does not appears to be FDA-approved, but it really can be had with a doctor prescribed. So gowns what Brett Favre is up to. Dolphins supposed to signal Vonta LeachThe Ohio Dolphins want to strengthen some sort of middling running game, and might be concluding in on fullback Vonta Find their way to provide guide blocks for any unproven sturdy [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-23-devin-hester-lights-out-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29690.htm]Bears #23 Devin Hester Lights Out Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] of running buttocks. Leach is regarded as among the a great deal better blocking fullbacks inside the AMERICAN FOOTBAL. Having been named [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-8-rex-grossman-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29712.htm]Bears #8 Rex Grossman White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] for the 2013 Pro Bowl after improving the way regarding Ray Rice together with the Baltimore Ravens. Sad to say for Make their way, he was eliminated with the offense whenever Jim Caldwell had taken [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-24-marion-barber-blue-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29703.htm]Bears #24 Marion Barber Blue Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] over as attacking coordinator late in the time of year, and also the Ravens looked at his or her $4. thirty three million cap struck as an excessive amount of to absorb. The actual Dolphins published Reggie Bush this kind of offseason, seemingly confident this second-year Lamar Burns, third-year Daniel Thomas and rookie Sue Gillislee will probably be productive. Jerod Mayo: Patriots 'ignoring the actual noise' involving offseasonThe Patriots have experienced a wild few weeks. They signed media lightning-rod Bob Tebow out of nowhere in addition to Rob Gronkowski cannot stay from the operating kitchen table, [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-11-roy-williams-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29707.htm]Bears #11 Roy Williams White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] but both of those experiences pale in comparison to the drama that has unfolded resulting from Aaron Hernandez's engagement in a homicide scrutiny. Linebacker Jerod Mayo spoke having ESPN Boston and acknowledged the actual "noise" in the offseason, however [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-11-roy-williams-orange-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29710.htm]Bears #11 Roy Williams Orange Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] maintained that the Pats usually are doing their finest to continue as usual. 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In the mean time, Robert Meachem and Eddie Royal have been [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-23-devin-hester-black-shadow-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29702.htm]Bears #23 Devin Hester Black Shadow Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] very [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-22-matt-forte-black-shadow-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29705.htm]Bears #22 Matt Forte Black Shadow Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] productive in the past for some other teams, but have been major disappointments if signed through the Chargers final season. Lions indicator Israel Idonije to help one year contractThe Detroit Elephants made addressing [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bengals-9-carson-palmer-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29691.htm]Bengals #9 Carson Palmer Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] the defensive line important this particular offseason, in addition to succeeded signing Jerrika Jones in the Seattle Seahawks and creating Ziggy Ansah using the No . 5 all round pick in the 2013 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bears-34-walter-payton-lights-out-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29698.htm]Bears #34 Walter Payton Lights Out Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] Draft. That they solidified the detail chart further Tuesday by means of signing Israel Idonije into a one-year written agreement. Idonije offers spent his complete nine-year career with the Chicago [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/sideline-black-united-bears-54-brian-urlacher-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29708.htm]Sideline Black United Bears #54 Brian Urlacher Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] Bears, playing defensive tackle and defensive stop. That usefulness should serve the Lions well, though he can likely take more time with end playing in a rotation having Jones and also Ansah. Far more from SB Region: • Omfattande Favre would want to market you some ache cream• Maurice Jones-Drew reduces the risk for battery charges• What to anticipate through Tim Luck• Kenny Chesney live show erupts throughout brawl• Costs Parcells regrets leaving Patriots• Often the Aaron Hernandez investigation continues
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26/10/2017 11:51
Bernard Pierce robbed on gunpoint, as outlined by [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-80-kellen-winslow-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29623.htm]Browns #80 Kellen Winslow White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] report instructions SBNation. comAl [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bengals-84-jermaine-gresham-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29644.htm]Bengals #84 Jermaine Gresham Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] Bello Baltimore Ravens working back again Bernard Pierce ended up being [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bengals-11-jordan-shipley-orange-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29651.htm]Bengals #11 Jordan Shipley Orange Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] carjacked at gunpoint on Saturday, based on a report [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-12-colt-mccoy-brown-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29632.htm]Browns #12 Colt McCoy Brown Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] from Walt Rogue of CBS [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-73-joe-thomas-brown-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29627.htm]Browns #73 Joe Thomas Brown Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] Philly. Pierce plus a [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-17-braylon-edwards-brown-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29641.htm]Browns #17 Braylon Edwards Brown Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] male [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-12-colt-mccoy-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29628.htm]Browns #12 Colt McCoy White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] passenger were scammed out and Pierce's vehicle was lost, but not were hurt [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bengals-28-scott-bernard-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29652.htm]Bengals #28 Scott Bernard White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] during the [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-16-josh-cribbs-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29624.htm]Browns #16 Josh Cribbs White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] incident. Depending on the statement, the occurrence happened Sunday night [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-92-shaun-rogers-orange-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29638.htm]Browns #92 Shaun Rogers Orange Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] in Phila.. The gunman reportedly dived from a car or truck and swindled Pierce and also the male traveling before making away with Pierce's CHEVROLLET. Police restored the car in [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-80-kellen-winslow-orange-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29625.htm]Browns #80 Kellen Winslow Orange Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] another portion of [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bengals-32-cedric-benson-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29645.htm]Bengals #32 Cedric Benson White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] Philadelphia and highly processed it [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-12-colt-mccoy-orange-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29626.htm]Browns #12 Colt McCoy Orange Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] for information. Pierce as well as the other passenger were being shaken, based [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-73-joe-thomas-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29629.htm]Browns #73 Joe Thomas White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] to the statement, but [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/bengals-11-jordan-shipley-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29648.htm]Bengals #11 Jordan Shipley Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] neither were damaged. Pierce, a backup running backside to the Ravens, played college football in Temple University within Philadelphia. 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Authorities are still seeking to identify typically the robbers. The particular incident comes not more than a calendar month after Pittsburgh's Henry Adams was stabbed during the [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/browns-17-braylon-edwards-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29642.htm]Browns #17 Braylon Edwards White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] attempted carjacking inside Pittsburgh. 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Manti Te' e finds home using San [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/broncos-84-brandon-lloyd-blue-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29421.htm]Broncos #84 Brandon Lloyd Blue Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] Diego [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/broncos-58-von-miller-black-sideline-united-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29413.htm]Broncos #58 Von Miller Black Sideline United Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] Chargers -- SBNation. comJonathan Daniel Hillcrest Chargers fresh on the inside linebacker Manti Te'o is actually fitting right in his fresh team, as outlined by FOX Athletics. 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26/10/2017 10:22
Aaron Hernandez launched by New England Patriots [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/packers-21-charles-woodson-white-with-c-patch-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29288.htm]Packers #21 Charles Woodson White With C patch Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] : SBNation. comAndrew [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/packers-12-aaron-rodgers-green-super-bowl-xlv-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29276.htm]Packers #12 Aaron Rodgers Green Super Bowl XLV Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] Burton The New England Patriots officially unveiled tight end Aaron Hernandez, [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/packers-52-clay-matthews-white-with-c-patch-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29285.htm]Packers #52 Clay Matthews White With C patch Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] the team publicised Wednesday morning. 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26/10/2017 10:21
Philly Eagles stay home for training camp : SBNation. comHoward Smith-USA NOWADAYS Sports The Philly Eagles have decided [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/sideline-black-united-texans-23-arian-foster-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29246.htm]Sideline Black United Texans #23 Arian Foster Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] to stay [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/texans-8-matt-schaub-blue-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29260.htm]Texans #8 Matt Schaub Blue Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] in their unique city for [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/colts-11-anthony-gonzalez-white-with-super-bowl-patch-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29240.htm]Colts #11 Anthony Gonzalez White With Super Bowl Patch Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] training camp [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/texans-24-johnathan-joseph-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29252.htm]Texans #24 Johnathan Joseph White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] instead of touring away for the first time within 17 several years, according [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/texans-a-johnson-80-red-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29247.htm]Texans A. 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26/10/2017 10:20
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26/10/2017 09:44
Aaron Hernandez essentially investigated in 2012 double-murder case, in accordance with report [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/vikings-69-jared-allen-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29030.htm]Vikings #69 Jared Allen White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] - SBNation. comUSA TODAY Games Aaron Hernandez [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/vikings-18-sidney-rice-white-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29042.htm]Vikings #18 Sidney Rice White Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] is being investigated as a possible suspect in the double-murder case that occurred last [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/vikings-7-tarvaris-jackson-purple-team-50th-patch-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29029.htm]Vikings #7 Tarvaris Jackson Purple Team 50TH Patch Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] year, FOX 25 reports. This report comes one day after the former Patriots firmer end was arrested and charged with kill. According [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/vikings-12-percy-harvin-purple-team-50th-patch-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29025.htm]Vikings #12 Percy Harvin Purple Team 50TH Patch Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] to the [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/vikings-18-sidney-rice-purple-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29045.htm]Vikings #18 Sidney Rice Purple Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] report, three men were [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/vikings-12-percy-harvin-black-shadow-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-29048.htm]Vikings #12 Percy Harvin Black Shadow Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] found shot in downtown Boston just after several a. m. ET on July 14, 2012. Two of the victims had been already dead when police arrived on the scene. 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Aaron Hernandez' vertisements bail appeal denied guidebook SBNation. comAaron Hernandez was denied bail with Massachusetts superior court judge on Thursday mid-day. The former New England Patriots tight terminate was originally denied bail at his arra
26/10/2017 09:40
Aaron Hernandez' beds bail appeal denied you ought to SBNation. comAaron Hernandez was denied bail with a Massachusetts superior court judge on Thursday evening. The former New England Patriots tight eliminate was originally denied bail at his arraignment within Wednesday where he was charged with first-degree [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/vikings-69-jared-allen-lights-out-black-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-28964.htm]Vikings #69 Jared Allen Lights Out Black Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] murder along with five other charges linked to [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/vikings-84-randy-moss-purple-team-50th-patch-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-28987.htm]Vikings #84 Randy Moss Purple Team 50TH Patch Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] firearm possession. Hernandez is accused of [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/vikings-5-donovan-mcnabb-black-shadow-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-28968.htm]Vikings #5 Donovan McNabb Black Shadow Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] murdering 27-year-old Odin Lloyd. 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26/10/2017 05:32
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NFL news roundup: Joe Lefeged arrested, [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/steelers-98-casey-hampton-black-super-bowl-xlv-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-28293.htm]Steelers #98 Casey Hampton Black Super Bowl XLV Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] Aaron Hernandez' s money voided aid SBNation. comJamie Squire Indianapolis Colts defensive back and special teams player Joe Lefeged was coarse Friday night on multiple gun charges, in line with the Indianapolis Star. Lefeged, 25lb, fled police [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/steelers-25-ryan-clark-black-super-bowl-xlv-stitched-throwback-nfl-jersey-p-28301.htm]Steelers #25 Ryan Clark Black Super Bowl XLV Stitched Throwback NFL Jersey[/url] during [url=http://www.shoesjerseysnfl.com/steelers-43-troy-polamalu-camouflage-realtree-super-bowl-xlv-stitched-nfl-jersey-p-28286.htm]Steelers #43 Troy Polamalu Camouflage Realtree Super Bowl XLV Stitched NFL Jersey[/url] a traffic stop in Washington D. B.. 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Wii Sports Resort . In Wii Sports Resort, you'll use your Wii Remote to literally swing into action. Perform realistic sports moves to take on the competition in activities that include Sword Play, Power Cruising (racing a water scooter) [url=http://www.brandjerseyshop.com/]nhl jerseys[/url] Disc Dog, in which you'll toss a disc to an adorable, Mii-like dog. The NHL had no objection for more than six players to take part, so Sidney Crosby, Jonathan Toews, Shane Doan, Brad Richards, Martin St. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed..

During 27 years as a coach, Scotty Bowman never had a losing record in any full season when he was behind the bench. Bowman's promising playing career was cut short following a head injury while he was still a junior. He moved into coaching in the Canadiens' minor-league system and broke into the NHL as a head coach with the St. The April 3 (Minnesota) nhl jerseys April 8 (Los Angeles Angels) games are available in HD with the opposing team feed. The April 5 (Oakland) game isn't available. (Note: This is my local Comcast schedule.http://www.brandjerseyshop.com/

"We're creatures of habit," sad Vancouver Canucks forward Manny Malhotra, a member of the union's negotiating team. "We're used to doing things at certain times, nhl jerseys right now would be time to be playing again. Guys are frustrated with the monotony of just going to the rink, or working out and still doing those things that we're used to doing in the summertime.. But some of the league's biggest stars aren't hanging up their skates because of the lockout. They're playing back in their home countries. In Russia, major NHL players, including Alex Ovechkin nhl jerseys Evgeni Malkin, are giving a boost to the fledgling KHL, the Kontinental Hockey League.

Alex Ovechkin hasn't played like "Alexander the Great" for three years now, so the demise of the Washington Capitals had already started before this season. After averaging more than 51 goals over his first five NHL seasons, Ovi has ceased to be an elite scorer. He had five goals in the first 15 games this season.. Abdominal discomfort - caused by enlarged lymph nodes in the stomach. Intestinal obstruction - caused by enlarged lymph nodes in the bowel walls. According to Dr Goh, as lymphomas are painless swellings, most patients are misled by the fact that there is no pain nhl jerseys tend to take it lightly.

NHL pensions, which are also determined by the length of a player career, require at least 160 games played for eligibility. Those with less than 400 games played can collect $8,000 CDN per year beginning at age 45. Those who played more than 400 games receive a payment of $250,000 CDN at the age of 55, in addition to $12,500 CDN per year at 45.. The NHL regular season was supposed to start two days ago. Didn't happen, might not happen for a while, might not happen for much longer than a while. I can live perfectly fine without NHL hockey in October - there's lots of other stuff going on to quench my sporting thirst.

If you don't play hockey, don't give you child pointers on his technique if you don't know what you are talking about. They will listen to you, nhl jerseys might be making a mistake. Even if it makes perfect sense to you, it might be a big misconception. Avery's "double life" of being a professional athlete while having an interest in fashion has prompted New Line Cinema to commission a screenplay.. .. January 28 and 29, the 2012 NHL All Star Game comes to the Capital to help celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the hometown Ottawa Senators. Ottawa Tourism offers Hockey Night in the Capital Packaged Getaways that include hotel accommodation nhl jerseys tickets to a Senators game. Make it your ultimate hockey road trip!.

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25/03/2017 05:05
He thought he was getting old nhl jerseys that's why he was slowing down but it was his training style. He trained his way out of the NHL by working so hard, doing the wrong things. His team was holding him up as an example of what to do, instead of what not to do.. But what's transpiring on the field is quite the opposite. As many as four captains have already been fined once for slow over-rate. This tells us that the estimations aren't as clear-cut as they sound, at least not in this format. We profoundly regret the suffering. This has caused our fans. Our business partners and the thousands of people whose livelihoods depend.

Wii Sports Resort . In Wii Sports Resort, you'll use your Wii Remote to literally swing into action. Perform realistic sports moves to take on the competition in activities that include Sword Play, Power Cruising (racing a water scooter) [url=http://www.brandjerseyshop.com/]nhl jerseys[/url] Disc Dog, in which you'll toss a disc to an adorable, Mii-like dog. The NHL had no objection for more than six players to take part, so Sidney Crosby, Jonathan Toews, Shane Doan, Brad Richards, Martin St. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed..

During 27 years as a coach, Scotty Bowman never had a losing record in any full season when he was behind the bench. Bowman's promising playing career was cut short following a head injury while he was still a junior. He moved into coaching in the Canadiens' minor-league system and broke into the NHL as a head coach with the St. The April 3 (Minnesota) nhl jerseys April 8 (Los Angeles Angels) games are available in HD with the opposing team feed. The April 5 (Oakland) game isn't available. (Note: This is my local Comcast schedule.http://www.brandjerseyshop.com/

"We're creatures of habit," sad Vancouver Canucks forward Manny Malhotra, a member of the union's negotiating team. "We're used to doing things at certain times, nhl jerseys right now would be time to be playing again. Guys are frustrated with the monotony of just going to the rink, or working out and still doing those things that we're used to doing in the summertime.. But some of the league's biggest stars aren't hanging up their skates because of the lockout. They're playing back in their home countries. In Russia, major NHL players, including Alex Ovechkin nhl jerseys Evgeni Malkin, are giving a boost to the fledgling KHL, the Kontinental Hockey League.

Alex Ovechkin hasn't played like "Alexander the Great" for three years now, so the demise of the Washington Capitals had already started before this season. After averaging more than 51 goals over his first five NHL seasons, Ovi has ceased to be an elite scorer. He had five goals in the first 15 games this season.. Abdominal discomfort - caused by enlarged lymph nodes in the stomach. Intestinal obstruction - caused by enlarged lymph nodes in the bowel walls. According to Dr Goh, as lymphomas are painless swellings, most patients are misled by the fact that there is no pain nhl jerseys tend to take it lightly.

NHL pensions, which are also determined by the length of a player career, require at least 160 games played for eligibility. Those with less than 400 games played can collect $8,000 CDN per year beginning at age 45. Those who played more than 400 games receive a payment of $250,000 CDN at the age of 55, in addition to $12,500 CDN per year at 45.. The NHL regular season was supposed to start two days ago. Didn't happen, might not happen for a while, might not happen for much longer than a while. I can live perfectly fine without NHL hockey in October - there's lots of other stuff going on to quench my sporting thirst.

If you don't play hockey, don't give you child pointers on his technique if you don't know what you are talking about. They will listen to you, nhl jerseys might be making a mistake. Even if it makes perfect sense to you, it might be a big misconception. Avery's "double life" of being a professional athlete while having an interest in fashion has prompted New Line Cinema to commission a screenplay.. .. January 28 and 29, the 2012 NHL All Star Game comes to the Capital to help celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the hometown Ottawa Senators. Ottawa Tourism offers Hockey Night in the Capital Packaged Getaways that include hotel accommodation nhl jerseys tickets to a Senators game. Make it your ultimate hockey road trip!.

Under the Protocol of Uqayr, no government could build fortifications or move military assets in or near the zones. The Bedu could move in nhl jerseys out of the zone from either Iraq or Saudi Arabia. A similar zone existed between Saudi Arabia nhl jerseys Kuwait until 1969, when both countries decided to divide up the territory and exploit its oil reserves.. Football is a popularized along with famous sport activity capturing the hearts of the many faithful football fans. The devotees are crazy within the exciting sport activity and prefer to get more info about football game played by specialized players wearing wholesale reebok jerseys. Therefore, they can have a chance to learn more about football.
He thought he was getting old nhl jerseys that's why he was slowing down but it was his training style. He trained his way out of the NHL by working so hard, doing the wrong things. His team was holding him up as an example of what to do, instead of what
25/03/2017 02:36
He thought he was getting old nhl jerseys that's why he was slowing down but it was his training style. He trained his way out of the NHL by working so hard, doing the wrong things. His team was holding him up as an example of what to do, instead of what not to do.. But what's transpiring on the field is quite the opposite. As many as four captains have already been fined once for slow over-rate. This tells us that the estimations aren't as clear-cut as they sound, at least not in this format. We profoundly regret the suffering. This has caused our fans. Our business partners and the thousands of people whose livelihoods depend.

Wii Sports Resort . In Wii Sports Resort, you'll use your Wii Remote to literally swing into action. Perform realistic sports moves to take on the competition in activities that include Sword Play, Power Cruising (racing a water scooter) [url=http://www.brandjerseyshop.com/]nhl jerseys[/url] Disc Dog, in which you'll toss a disc to an adorable, Mii-like dog. The NHL had no objection for more than six players to take part, so Sidney Crosby, Jonathan Toews, Shane Doan, Brad Richards, Martin St. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed..

During 27 years as a coach, Scotty Bowman never had a losing record in any full season when he was behind the bench. Bowman's promising playing career was cut short following a head injury while he was still a junior. He moved into coaching in the Canadiens' minor-league system and broke into the NHL as a head coach with the St. The April 3 (Minnesota) nhl jerseys April 8 (Los Angeles Angels) games are available in HD with the opposing team feed. The April 5 (Oakland) game isn't available. (Note: This is my local Comcast schedule.http://www.brandjerseyshop.com/

"We're creatures of habit," sad Vancouver Canucks forward Manny Malhotra, a member of the union's negotiating team. "We're used to doing things at certain times, nhl jerseys right now would be time to be playing again. Guys are frustrated with the monotony of just going to the rink, or working out and still doing those things that we're used to doing in the summertime.. But some of the league's biggest stars aren't hanging up their skates because of the lockout. They're playing back in their home countries. In Russia, major NHL players, including Alex Ovechkin nhl jerseys Evgeni Malkin, are giving a boost to the fledgling KHL, the Kontinental Hockey League.

Alex Ovechkin hasn't played like "Alexander the Great" for three years now, so the demise of the Washington Capitals had already started before this season. After averaging more than 51 goals over his first five NHL seasons, Ovi has ceased to be an elite scorer. He had five goals in the first 15 games this season.. Abdominal discomfort - caused by enlarged lymph nodes in the stomach. Intestinal obstruction - caused by enlarged lymph nodes in the bowel walls. According to Dr Goh, as lymphomas are painless swellings, most patients are misled by the fact that there is no pain nhl jerseys tend to take it lightly.

NHL pensions, which are also determined by the length of a player career, require at least 160 games played for eligibility. Those with less than 400 games played can collect $8,000 CDN per year beginning at age 45. Those who played more than 400 games receive a payment of $250,000 CDN at the age of 55, in addition to $12,500 CDN per year at 45.. The NHL regular season was supposed to start two days ago. Didn't happen, might not happen for a while, might not happen for much longer than a while. I can live perfectly fine without NHL hockey in October - there's lots of other stuff going on to quench my sporting thirst.

If you don't play hockey, don't give you child pointers on his technique if you don't know what you are talking about. They will listen to you, nhl jerseys might be making a mistake. Even if it makes perfect sense to you, it might be a big misconception. Avery's "double life" of being a professional athlete while having an interest in fashion has prompted New Line Cinema to commission a screenplay.. .. January 28 and 29, the 2012 NHL All Star Game comes to the Capital to help celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the hometown Ottawa Senators. Ottawa Tourism offers Hockey Night in the Capital Packaged Getaways that include hotel accommodation nhl jerseys tickets to a Senators game. Make it your ultimate hockey road trip!.

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As for the broadcast network itself, NBC has only had one cancellation, the annual Winter Classic on New Year's Day. Not ideal, but not the end of the world either. Luckily, the peacock normally doesn't start covering the NHL on a regular basis till after the Super Bowl. If you really want the full satellite experience, you will want to opt for at least the Dishnet Top 120 package. Even though this package is also very inexpensive, it gives you a much larger selection of general entertainment channels, your regional sports network, plenty of shop-at-home excitement, and the enjoyment of Sirius satellite radio. And, if you really want channels like The Movie Channel, Encore Movies, Bloomberg TV, and Reality TV, America's Top 180 is the choice for you.
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Some sell them cheaper but the other sell it the same price as the original. So you have to be careful in purchasing one. When you buy Michael Kors shoes you have to be sensitive on the materials used. Anderson was New Zealand's nomination, alongside former Australian prime minister John Howard, when the two bodies first got together to finalise their choice. With the panel of five charged with settling on the candidate comprising three Australians nhl jerseys two New Zealanders, it was no surprise Howard got the nod. This despite Anderson's long, credentialled career as a cricket administrator versus Howard's zero experience, allied to Australia's inability to come up with a cricket person..http://www.brandjerseyshop.com/

Soon to be forgotten, Jayson More, Wayne McBean, Dave Archibald nhl jerseys Yves Racine were some of the players taken ahead of Joe Sakic in 1987. McBean by the way, was Alyssa Milano's boyfriend for a couple of years during his less-than-stellar time in the NHL, proving that sometimes you can be a winner at love, but not hockey. Why that bit of trivia stayed with me over the years, I can't rightly say - it might have something to do with Alyssa Milano.. In 1996, the team exclusively wore black pants with a large white stripe on it. The Ravens were the first team to wear dark pants with a Baltimore Ravens dark jersey, which has now become common with many NFL teams, although the Ravens' pants were darker than the Baltimore Ravens jerseys; the practice of pairing Baltimore Ravens jerseys nhl jerseys pants of the same color did not come into vogue until 2001, when the New Orleans Saints wore an all-black combination in three games. They wore white socks with black nhl jerseys purple stripes of Baltimore Ravens Jerseys.
The 2010-2011 NHL season ended with the Boston Bruins winning their first Stanley Cup in 39 years. Game 1 nhl jerseys 2 went to the Canucks, then the next 2 were won by the Bruins, game 5 went to the Canucks nhl jerseys game 6 was won by the Bruins. Then there was game 7at Vancouver. When talking about the San Francisco Giants, you will surely need to mention that they are five-time World Series title holders, with a trophy cabinet full to burst. To date, the San Francisco Giants team resides within the western division of the Major League Baseball's national league. In commemoration, why not purchase any of our awesome San Francisco Giants gifts such as the beautiful San Francisco Giants jewelry..
Walter nhl jerseys Phyllis Gretzky also taught their son humility. About the worst tag that ever stuck to the Wayner was the Whiner opposing fans would chant that nickname whenever Gretzky bitched to the referees about the ceaseless hacking nhl jerseys slashing lesser players subjected him to. Off the ice, though, Gretzky never betrayed the swelled head to which he was so obviously entitled.. Oh how I miss those days!!! My two youngest 4 years old 5 months old girls and the 4 year old is too girl and refuses to play hockey. 6am skates, hockey tournaments with fun hotel stays. Winning teams and losing teams.
In 2000 for the Winter X Games, there was a record of 83,500 at attendence for the debut of Winter X Games. According to Extreme Sports Network, in the 2008 Winter X games there was record breaking of 863,00 homes were vewing the Winter X games on their televisions. Not only is the reach high for X Games but so is the frequency. They can sit back and watch Jersey and NY struggle with each other. "Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Over many, many years, the Daily exposed on-campus FBI and CIA informants. The boldness of the paper is evident in the byline on the 1973 story reported from President Nixon inauguration: credit to Daily Washington Bureau. Figured there was something I could learn here.
As for the broadcast network itself, NBC has only had one cancellation, the annual Winter Classic on New Year's Day. Not ideal, but not the end of the world either. Luckily, the peacock normally doesn't start covering the NHL on a regular basis till after the Super Bowl. If you really want the full satellite experience, you will want to opt for at least the Dishnet Top 120 package. Even though this package is also very inexpensive, it gives you a much larger selection of general entertainment channels, your regional sports network, plenty of shop-at-home excitement, and the enjoyment of Sirius satellite radio. And, if you really want channels like The Movie Channel, Encore Movies, Bloomberg TV, and Reality TV, America's Top 180 is the choice for you.
I mean you are able to practice for everything and this was my favorite way to practice getting better at writing. It also has helped me in writing phrases, nhl jerseys fragments instead of complete sentences which has made my writing flow smoother I
24/03/2017 08:09

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Being part of an already famous shoe collection, there is no doubt that [url=http://www.nikebordeauxshoes.com/air-jordan-air-jordan-12-c-1_143.html]Air Jordan 11[/url] Wool has so much to show. Its premium wool makeup covers everything. Made from high quality wool coupled with an elegant design, it is sure that it is among the new Jordans that sneaker enthusiasts would love. Sneaker news also said that it will resemble the Air Jordan 3 Wool and Air Jordan 12 Wool. Having said this, there is no denying that this new shoe model will be as appealing as the two previous sneakers — with an exciting twist, of course. The Jumpman logo can also be found on the side panel of Air Jordan 11 Wool.

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So you now know that you want to buy this Wool-built shoe, prompting you to ask how much would it cost. Well, you can buy it at $400. This sneaker is definitely not in the affordable range, considering the fact that it is made from high quality wool coupled with an elegant design. But if you would save up now, you can probably end up buying this dream shoe collection. It is not just stylish and breathable; it is also very useful for the colder months. This is just one of the few sneakers designed for the colder season so you should take advantage of it.

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It is expected to be released during the Holiday of 2016. So the best thing that you can do now is to be abreast with updates about official Jordan release dates. You must also watch out for updated sneaker photos so you can be more familiar with its look and functionality. Just like you, other Jordan fans are so excited for the actual release of this new Wool Jordan sneaker. But for the meantime, all you can do is to patiently wait and prepare yourself to grab a wonderful pair.

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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it - specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible - specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it - specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible - specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it - specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible - specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

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It’s that time of year again, to honor our beloved mothers. Despite always being the second Sunday of May every year, the holiday always seems to sneak up on us and before we know it, we’re scrambling to find a gift. Mother’s Day is May 13th this year and although it’s the last week in April, you still have time to order her a gift –from Wrist Clocks of course.

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15/10/2016 15:17
It’s that time of year again, to honor our beloved mothers. Despite always being the second Sunday of May every year, the holiday always seems to sneak up on us and before we know it, we’re scrambling to find a gift. Mother’s Day is May 13th this year and although it’s the last week in April, you still have time to order her a gift –from Wrist Clocks of course.

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15/10/2016 15:12
It’s that time of year again, to honor our beloved mothers. Despite always being the second Sunday of May every year, the holiday always seems to sneak up on us and before we know it, we’re scrambling to find a gift. Mother’s Day is May 13th this year and although it’s the last week in April, you still have time to order her a gift –from Wrist Clocks of course.

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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

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Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

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Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it - specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible - specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it - specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible - specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

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Invicta™ is a Latin word that means "Invincible." With over 170 years of rich history behind the name, the Invicta brand can truly be said to be unbeaten. Invicta is the brainchild of Raphael Picard, who wanted to bring world-famous Swiss design to people. His idea was to combine exacting design with affordable value to create a watch that would become the mark of world travelers and sophisticates.

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Invicta™ is a Latin word that means "Invincible." With over 170 years of rich history behind the name, the Invicta brand can truly be said to be unbeaten. Invicta is the brainchild of Raphael Picard, who wanted to bring world-famous Swiss design to peop
30/08/2016 17:57
Invicta™ is a Latin word that means "Invincible." With over 170 years of rich history behind the name, the Invicta brand can truly be said to be unbeaten. Invicta is the brainchild of Raphael Picard, who wanted to bring world-famous Swiss design to people. His idea was to combine exacting design with affordable value to create a watch that would become the mark of world travelers and sophisticates.

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Invicta™ is a Latin word that means "Invincible." With over 170 years of rich history behind the name, the Invicta brand can truly be said to be unbeaten. Invicta is the brainchild of Raphael Picard, who wanted to bring world-famous Swiss design to peop
30/08/2016 16:12
Invicta™ is a Latin word that means "Invincible." With over 170 years of rich history behind the name, the Invicta brand can truly be said to be unbeaten. Invicta is the brainchild of Raphael Picard, who wanted to bring world-famous Swiss design to people. His idea was to combine exacting design with affordable value to create a watch that would become the mark of world travelers and sophisticates.

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Invicta™ is a Latin word that means "Invincible." With over 170 years of rich history behind the name, the Invicta brand can truly be said to be unbeaten. Invicta is the brainchild of Raphael Picard, who wanted to bring world-famous Swiss design to peop
30/08/2016 14:48
Invicta™ is a Latin word that means "Invincible." With over 170 years of rich history behind the name, the Invicta brand can truly be said to be unbeaten. Invicta is the brainchild of Raphael Picard, who wanted to bring world-famous Swiss design to people. His idea was to combine exacting design with affordable value to create a watch that would become the mark of world travelers and sophisticates.

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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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30/08/2016 03:16

The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

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Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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Configure your realistic doll with numerous options of customization !
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Our dolls are as beautiful to watch than impressive to touch.
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27/08/2016 06:34
It’s that time of year again, to honor our beloved mothers. Despite always being the second Sunday of May every year, the holiday always seems to sneak up on us and before we know it, we’re scrambling to find a gift. Mother’s Day is May 13th this year and although it’s the last week in April, you still have time to order her a gift –from Wrist Clocks of course.

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27/08/2016 06:27
It’s that time of year again, to honor our beloved mothers. Despite always being the second Sunday of May every year, the holiday always seems to sneak up on us and before we know it, we’re scrambling to find a gift. Mother’s Day is May 13th this year and although it’s the last week in April, you still have time to order her a gift –from Wrist Clocks of course.

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Not too long ago we discussed designer watches for graduation gifts. One idea we touched upon was college graduates needing a watch for interviews. Today we’ll delve a little deeper into that topic. Graduating college is both very exciting and very scary. Perhaps the college grad will be moving back home or he’s getting his own place, finally paying the bills. Either way, college grads will be sending out countless resumes and hopefully landing a handful of interviews.

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26/08/2016 14:01
Not too long ago we discussed designer watches for graduation gifts. One idea we touched upon was college graduates needing a watch for interviews. Today we’ll delve a little deeper into that topic. Graduating college is both very exciting and very scary. Perhaps the college grad will be moving back home or he’s getting his own place, finally paying the bills. Either way, college grads will be sending out countless resumes and hopefully landing a handful of interviews.

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It’s not quite the season for taking a dip in the pool or sitting on the beach, but it will be shortly. Thanks to a mild winter, many are predicting this summer is going to be fairly brutal. And with the heat of summer bearing down on you, you will need relief. On the days you just can’t sit in front of the A/C unit anymore, you will make your way to the shore or visit your parents to take advantage of their in-ground pool.

Water can be a watch’s worst enemy and who wants to destroy such a perfectly crafted device? A watch is a thing of beauty. It’s an investment that deserves to be taken care of well. Now most watches are water resistant, but there is a big difference between water resistant and waterproof. A water resistant watch will not fair well in the depths of the ocean, or the pool for that matter. If you spend much of your time near the water, it is best to find a submersible watch to ensure it is not ruined. You won’t have to worry about taking it off and leaving it at the beach. Or worse yet, it being stolen while you enjoy a cool dip.

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Let’s face it… Half of us dream of owning a luxury watch at some point in our lives. Whether we want to appear successful, attract the ladies or just do something nice for ourselves, sporting a TAG Heuer, Omega or Rolex whenever we go out is a thought
26/08/2016 08:09
Let’s face it… Half of us dream of owning a luxury watch at some point in our lives. Whether we want to appear successful, attract the ladies or just do something nice for ourselves, sporting a TAG Heuer, Omega or Rolex whenever we go out is a thought many of us have repeatedly entertained.

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It doesn’t have to be this way. The first thing you’ll want to do, before making any solid decisions is research, research, and oh yeah… Research! Take a look at brands you’re interested in online, and really get to know what’s in store. Reserve a few days (or maybe a week or two) and give yourself time to hone your watch expertise. Look at pictures, read the descriptions, and study up as time permits.

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Let’s face it… Half of us dream of owning a luxury watch at some point in our lives. Whether we want to appear successful, attract the ladies or just do something nice for ourselves, sporting a TAG Heuer, Omega or Rolex whenever we go out is a thought
26/08/2016 06:31
Let’s face it… Half of us dream of owning a luxury watch at some point in our lives. Whether we want to appear successful, attract the ladies or just do something nice for ourselves, sporting a TAG Heuer, Omega or Rolex whenever we go out is a thought many of us have repeatedly entertained.

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Let’s face it… Half of us dream of owning a luxury watch at some point in our lives. Whether we want to appear successful, attract the ladies or just do something nice for ourselves, sporting a TAG Heuer, Omega or Rolex whenever we go out is a thought many of us have repeatedly entertained.

But where does one start, exactly? Unless you’re a certified watch professional, it can be hard to know the differences between all those brands; what they feature, what all those terms mean, or heck! How to pronounce all those names! No doubt, things can get a little complicated, and by the end of the day, some of us are pulling our own hair out.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The first thing you’ll want to do, before making any solid decisions is research, research, and oh yeah… Research! Take a look at brands you’re interested in online, and really get to know what’s in store. Reserve a few days (or maybe a week or two) and give yourself time to hone your watch expertise. Look at pictures, read the descriptions, and study up as time permits.

Once you’ve completed this task and compiled a list of models you think would be appropriate, see if there’s an authorized dealer in your area. Walk in and take a look at the items if they’re available. Sometimes [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/]Watches[/url] appear differently in print than they do in person. You may fall in love with a certain watch on the Internet then walk in to discover it’s the timepiece equivalent of “Ugly Betty.” Obviously, you’ll want to be prepared, so it’s always smart to view the watch in an actual, physical location. Look at it, try it on, get a feel for it, and decide if this is something you’re serious about. If you’re unsure about anything, take the time to ask the right questions. The more you know, the better off you’ll be.

The third and final step in this process is probably the most rewarding… Buying your watch! If you’ve found the perfect timepiece, the one that you simply can’t do without and you have the funds to pay for it, why give it any more thought? A Swiss watch has much more to offer than hours and minutes. The technology is renowned, trusted, and guaranteed to last throughout the years. You’re not just making a purchase; you’re getting an item that’s built to last, and who says you can’t treat yourself to something special every now and then?

Here’s your chance to become part of an elite crowd of watch-lovers (and wearers) interspersed throughout the globe. If you’re in the market for a new watch, the moment to act is now. Give yourself the appropriate time to plan your purchase accordingly, and experience the joy of being one of the world’s newest, luxury watch owners.

For a full listing of in-stock, luxury watches, check out watcheszz.com.

Let’s face it… Half of us dream of owning a luxury watch at some point in our lives. Whether we want to appear successful, attract the ladies or just do something nice for ourselves, sporting a TAG Heuer, Omega or Rolex whenever we go out is a thought
26/08/2016 04:49
Let’s face it… Half of us dream of owning a luxury watch at some point in our lives. Whether we want to appear successful, attract the ladies or just do something nice for ourselves, sporting a TAG Heuer, Omega or Rolex whenever we go out is a thought many of us have repeatedly entertained.

But where does one start, exactly? Unless you’re a certified watch professional, it can be hard to know the differences between all those brands; what they feature, what all those terms mean, or heck! How to pronounce all those names! No doubt, things can get a little complicated, and by the end of the day, some of us are pulling our own hair out.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The first thing you’ll want to do, before making any solid decisions is research, research, and oh yeah… Research! Take a look at brands you’re interested in online, and really get to know what’s in store. Reserve a few days (or maybe a week or two) and give yourself time to hone your watch expertise. Look at pictures, read the descriptions, and study up as time permits.

Once you’ve completed this task and compiled a list of models you think would be appropriate, see if there’s an authorized dealer in your area. Walk in and take a look at the items if they’re available. Sometimes [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/]Watches[/url] appear differently in print than they do in person. You may fall in love with a certain watch on the Internet then walk in to discover it’s the timepiece equivalent of “Ugly Betty.” Obviously, you’ll want to be prepared, so it’s always smart to view the watch in an actual, physical location. Look at it, try it on, get a feel for it, and decide if this is something you’re serious about. If you’re unsure about anything, take the time to ask the right questions. The more you know, the better off you’ll be.

The third and final step in this process is probably the most rewarding… Buying your watch! If you’ve found the perfect timepiece, the one that you simply can’t do without and you have the funds to pay for it, why give it any more thought? A Swiss watch has much more to offer than hours and minutes. The technology is renowned, trusted, and guaranteed to last throughout the years. You’re not just making a purchase; you’re getting an item that’s built to last, and who says you can’t treat yourself to something special every now and then?

Here’s your chance to become part of an elite crowd of watch-lovers (and wearers) interspersed throughout the globe. If you’re in the market for a new watch, the moment to act is now. Give yourself the appropriate time to plan your purchase accordingly, and experience the joy of being one of the world’s newest, luxury watch owners.

For a full listing of in-stock, luxury watches, check out watcheszz.com.

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26/08/2016 03:33

The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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26/08/2016 01:53

The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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26/08/2016 00:30

The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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Categories: GLASSES
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Not too long ago we discussed designer watches for graduation gifts. One idea we touched upon was college graduates needing a watch for interviews. Today we’ll delve a little deeper into that topic. Graduating college is both very exciting and very scary. Perhaps the college grad will be moving back home or he’s getting his own place, finally paying the bills. Either way, college grads will be sending out countless resumes and hopefully landing a handful of interviews.

In this tumultuous economy, if they can land an interview, they have to do everything in their power to nail it. You can’t go on the interview for them, but you can at least help them dress to impress. While their answers and mannerisms are going to determine if they get the job or not, that doesn’t mean they should walk in looking disheveled. Dressing in more formal business attire is key, but the small details matter. Girls should put on earrings and a necklace. And both men and women should be wearing a watch. If you’re lucky, the watch will catch the eye of the interviewer and maybe start a whole conversation. It’ll be hard to forget an interviewee after a lengthy discussion on Longines [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url].

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Not too long ago we discussed designer watches for graduation gifts. One idea we touched upon was college graduates needing a watch for interviews. Today we’ll delve a little deeper into that topic. Graduating college is both very exciting and very scary. Perhaps the college grad will be moving back home or he’s getting his own place, finally paying the bills. Either way, college grads will be sending out countless resumes and hopefully landing a handful of interviews.

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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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17/08/2016 02:41

The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

The [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-womens-watches-c-1_7.html]Women's Watches[/url] also had to have a black dial, Arabic numerals, luminous hour and minute hands, luminous hour markers, a railroad minute track, a shatterproof crystal, and a stainless-steel case. Powering them would be 15-jewel movements, measuring between 11.75 and 13 lignes.

Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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It doesn’t have to be this way. The first thing you’ll want to do, before making any solid decisions is research, research, and oh yeah… Research! Take a look at brands you’re interested in online, and really get to know what’s in store. Reserve a few days (or maybe a week or two) and give yourself time to hone your watch expertise. Look at pictures, read the descriptions, and study up as time permits.

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The third and final step in this process is probably the most rewarding… Buying your watch! If you’ve found the perfect timepiece, the one that you simply can’t do without and you have the funds to pay for it, why give it any more thought? A Swiss watch has much more to offer than hours and minutes. The technology is renowned, trusted, and guaranteed to last throughout the years. You’re not just making a purchase; you’re getting an item that’s built to last, and who says you can’t treat yourself to something special every now and then?

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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

Switzerland would export large quantities of [url=http://www.newwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_10.html]Nixon Watches[/url] and pocket watches during WWII, to both the Allied Forces and the Germans, but these were civilian market orders which pre-dated the war. The MoD thought these were not suitable to the needs of British soldiers, and decided to place an order for custom-built wristwatches. These needed to be accurate, reliable and durable, which in watchmaking terms meant they had to be regulated to chronometer standards, and also be waterproof and shockproof.

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Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

Because of this, collectors should tread carefully when acquiring these [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] online or through auctions, if the originality of the piece is their primary concern.

Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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The Dirty Dozen is the name of a movie from the 1960s, depicting the misadventures of 12 fictional soldiers during the Second World War. It is also, in watch collecting circles, the name given to a group of 12 [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-invicta-c-1_62.html]Invicta Watches[/url] worn by those who actually fought in it – specifically, British soldiers. They were commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) during World War II, and while they may not be as highly rated as other military [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/unisex-watches-maurice-lacroix-c-31_173.html]Maurice Lacroix Watches[/url] when they are presented individually, as a set, they become some of the most collectible – specifically (but not exclusively), by British collectors.

The British military had always been equipped with the most contemporary timekeepers of their era, from the marine chronometers of Harrison, John Arnold, and other horological pioneers, which gave the Royal Navy the essential ability to reliably determine longitude at sea, to "unbreakable glass" wristwatches advertised by Smiths [url=http://www.goodwatchone.com/mens-watches-c-1.html]Men's Watches[/url] during the First World War. But, when Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, few local watch companies could compete with Switzerland’s greater production capabilities, and those still in the business of making components were asked to focus their efforts on building military parts for the Air Force and the Navy.

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Twelve companies would fulfill this brief: Buren, Cyma, Eterna, Grana, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lemania, Longines, IWC, Omega, Record, Timor, and Vertex.

Each manufacturer delivered as many watches as their production capabilities would allow. Though official numbers have not been released by the MoD, we believe the largest companies were able to take orders of up to 25,000, while smaller manufacturers produced around 5,000 pieces – only IWC, JLC, and Omega kept a strict record of their order: respectively 6,000, 10,000, and 25,000. Collectively, they would export around 150,000 wristwatches to Britain during the second half of 1945, classified for "General Service" but issued to special units, including radio operators, and artillery staff members.

The Dirty Dozen are easily identifiable by the engraving on the back. The three Ws, which stand for for Watch, Wrist, Waterproof, identify the [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/fashion-watches-citizen-watches-c-1_19.html]Citizen Watches[/url] as government property and indicate the type of good in order to distinguish them from weaponry. Other defining features include Broad Arrow heads, on the dial, inner case, and at the back, and two more lines of engravings at the back: a military serial number – a capital letter followed by up to five digits – above a second, standard civil serial number - some [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/luxury-watches-c-12.html]Luxury Watches[/url] have the civil one on the inner case. (The use of the Broad Arrow for government goods goes all the way back to Sir Philip Sidney, Joint Master of the Ordnance in 1585, whose family used the Broad Arrow in its coat of arms.)

Today, hundreds if not thousands of collectors own military [url=http://www.luxurywatchesone.com/sport-watches-c-7.html]Sport Watches[/url] commissioned by the MoD. But very few collectors – some suggest less than 20 in the world – own a complete set of “The Dirty Dozen” in original condition. Why? Because, even though so many were made and most can be found relatively easily, others like the Grana pose a much great challenge.

Not because it looks any different, or any better than the other eleven – it doesn’t. In fact, collectors typically point to other [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-brand-nixon-watches-c-8_20.html]Nixon Watches[/url] when you ask them which one they find most attractive. As ever when rating watches based on looks alone, no one seems to agree.

However, most point to the Longines as their favorite. Its contemporary size (38 mm) and the stepped case make it one of the most interesting. Others swear by IWC’s version of the W.W.W, also known as the Mark X, which has inspired its own dedicated following, and spawned a line of successors which continues to grow to this day – this year’s Mark XVIII being the latest.

But of the Dozen, none is more desirable than the Grana, simply because it is by far the most difficult to find. According to Konrad Knirim’s book British Military Timepieces, less than 5,000, and perhaps even only 1,000, were made for the MoD, making it the rarest of the lot.

Considering the scarcity and history behind that watch, it’s perhaps surprising to learn that it’s still within the realm of the affordable. When they come up, as one did recently during the [url=http://www.nixonwatchesone.com/shop-by-style-chronographs-c-1_2.html]Chronographs Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge July auction, they typically have a minimum asking price around $7,000. That's seven times what collectors pay for the most common W.W.W, but far, far less than six-figure Milsubs.

Then there are the other eleven. Funding an entire collection requires deep pockets, and collecting the Dirty Dozen – especially if you want them in original condition – is not without its pitfalls. Due to the extreme conditions they were subjected to, many of them were repaired and restored at some point during their lifetime. And that meant being sent back to the Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E), which dealt with all mechanical equipment in need of maintenance or repair, including [url=http://www.modern-watches.com/nixon-watches-shop-by-styleautomatic-mechanical-watches-c-7_12.html]Automatic & Mechanical Watches[/url] worn by military personnel.

Of course, the Corps had little interest in preserving the originality of the watches that came back. Their primary concern was to get them back in the field as quickly as possible, and they found it much more practical and time efficient to restore [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-citizen-watches-c-1_6.html]Citizen Watches[/url] using MoD replacement parts of lower quality and in some cases, with parts from other models. Mistakes were made, especially when changing case backs. And then there's what happened after the war. In the 1960s, dials containing radium and promethium were replaced by non-radioactive dials (the Longines and the IWC in the [url=http://www.watcheszz.com/shop-by-brand-luminox-watches-c-1_10.html]Luminox Watches[/url] of Knightsbridge are both examples of this practice).

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Besides the Grana, the most elusive W.W.Ws are those which returned, albeit briefly, to MoD at the end of the war in Europe. Those that could be saved, or did not need saving, were sold to other Allied forces still engaged on other fronts, such as the Pakistani Military, the Dutch Military and the Indonesian military. These have a fourth line of engraving, identifying the watches’ new owners.

There are about as many reasons to collect [url=http://www.casualwatchesstore.com/fashion-watches-c-1.html]Fashion Watches[/url], as there are watch collectors in this world. For some, they are way to connect with an important part of our history. For others, the motivation comes from the thrill of finding a rare piece. The Dirty Dozen satisfies them both.

And then there are those who seek [url=http://www.modernwatches2016.com/womens-watches-seiko-c-4_121.html]Seiko Watches[/url] of great and undeniable beauty. By their nature, military watches offer little to that type of collector, though many find the honesty of their design incredibly satisfying in itself.

Finally, there’s the straightforward challenge of collecting The Dozen. Twelve. It’s a number that sounds dangerously attainable, especially when you consider the prices of the most common models, and large enough to cement the credibility of the collection by size alone. But it's much, much harder than it sounds.
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Let’s face it… Half of us dream of owning a luxury watch at some point in our lives. Whether we want to appear successful, attract the ladies or just do something nice for ourselves, sporting a TAG Heuer, Omega or Rolex whenever we go out is a thought many of us have repeatedly entertained.

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